Diamond jewelry

Diamond jewelry
Diera Biniyas
DU  25314
United Arab Emirates



The purpose of this business plan is to develop a blueprint of the company's vision andstrategy and then use this plan to as a guide to develop and grow the business. This businessplan will also be used to align the various elements of the company to create a coherentsystem of sustainable customer satisfaction and profitability.The Jewelry Store “SPLENDOR JEWELS” (SJ), will be located in 5 cities of India initially. It is anew business. We will offer a great selection of jewelry in various designs, colors and sizes.Our jewelry will include bracelets, bangles, necklaces, earrings and rings. SJ will stock a wideselection of jewelry made of gold, diamond and platinum. We will offer a service to makecustom pieces for shoppers on demand. All sales for the business will be through the storesitself.SJ will sell jewellery through four main formats, which are uniquely positioned to addressdifferent consumer segment needs. Firstly, ‘The Exclusives’ range offer high-end luxury jewellery; secondly, ‘The Semi-Exclusives’ range offer stylish and sophisticated products for thediscerning consumer ; thirdly 22K and fourthly 18K range offer trendy, fashionable and stylishproducts at competitive prices.The Jewelry Store will specifically carry gold, diamond and platinum jewelry that is designedfor the professional and sociable woman. Our selection will range in various colors, sizes andstyles to meet the unique needs of the everyday woman. The jewelry will be designed for casual, business and formal occasions.The Jewelry Store ‘SJ’ will focus on one primary market, women. We will concentrate our marketing efforts for the professional and sociable woman. We will sell to these customers bysuggesting styles for various outfits and occasions demonstrating our knowledge of fashiondesign and customer service targeted at individual shoppers. Customers can purchase pre-made jewelry or request a customized piece designed for them at the store.Management will rely on customer feedback and sales reports to eliminate or introduceparticular sizes, colors and styles.In this industry trends are in our favor. Gold and diamond jewelry are popular because of their unique natural colors and features; they are ideally suited for both informal and formaloccasions. They complement and can dress up any outfit on a woman.
Our primary objective is to be a leading brand in the jewellery and fashion industryand delight our customers by offering luxury wrapped in trust.
The Jewelry Store SPLENDOR JEWELS is a newly established businessheadquartered in New Delhi. Initially we will be launching in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,Bengaluru and Chennai. Once these outlets work out then we will invest on the restoutlets in various cities. The business is owned and operated by Nikita Garg. We willoffer a variety of pre-made and custom made jewelry products that are designed andcreated by the owner as well as her assistant designers. All our pieces are designedfor the sociable and professional woman.
Nikita Garg is the sole owner of the jewelry store SJ. She has over 20 years of experience in designing and making jewelry. She has worked for several companiesin jewelry design during her career. Most recently she has taught jewelry makingclasses in the local community.
The cost to setup SPLENDOR JEWELS and prepare it for operation total $56,300.Start up inventory will cost approximately $49,800. The bulk of the expenses are theyearly rental of the SJ. Start-up costs will be financed through owner investment.

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